Complaints Book

In accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection and Defense Code, this institution has a complaints book at your disposal.

    Nº 000 000001-2025

    Before we begin, please tell us where the events of the claim took place:

    NOTE: If the complaint or grievance relates to a delivered project, consign to the main office.

    1. Identification of the complaining consumer

    [group group-edad]

    *Esto aplica si el reclamante es menor de edad

    *Esto aplica si el reclamante es menor de edad


    2. Identification of the contracted asset

    3. Details of the Complaint and the Consumer's Request

    Complaint: Disconformity related to projects or services.

    Complaint: Dissatisfaction not related to projects or services; or, discomfort or dissatisfaction regarding customer service.

    (PDF, PPTX, WORD or JPG, PNG images)

    4. Observations and actions taken by the supplier

    Fecha de comunicación de la respuesta: Miércoles, 19 de Marzo del 2025

    Description: “As it is a virtual claim, your case will be referred to the customer service area, in order to give an answer within the legally established term.

    5. I authorize notification of the result of the claim to the mail consigned

    (*) Required fields

    * The filing of a complaint does not preclude recourse to other means of dispute resolution, nor is it a prerequisite for filing a complaint before INDECOPI.

    * The supplier must respond to the claim within a term not exceeding thirty (30) calendar days, and may extend the term for up to thirty (30) more days, prior notice to the consumer.

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