Interdisciplinary team with a 360° vision that accompanies you in the different stages of the {{Sunafil inspections}}.

Sometimes the details are not so important, but in a labour inspection they are. That is why we advise you with an expert eye, rest on our specialized team that will help you throughout the process. We are an interdisciplinary team with a 360° vision that accompanies you in the different stages of Regulator´s inspections.

We have managed over {{2,000 inspections in the last 3 years.}}

More than 230 customers trust our specialized team
+ 0 Clients

{{Preventive}} Eye

  • 'Inspective audit
  • Simulation.
  • Training.

{{Investigative}} eye

  • Management of investigation procedures.
  • Attendance at hearings and preparation of testimonies.
  • Development of inspection care protocols.

Ojo {{Estratégico}}

  • Defence strategy proposal and representation in Administrative Procedures.
  • Monitoring of implementation of administrative sanctioning procedure.
  • Post-inspection management recommendations.

Meet our team

Renato Mejía
Trinidad Castro
Danny Gonzales
Miriam Illa
Senior Associate
Camila Melendez
Fernando Mestanza
Ana Lucía Vargas
María Kelly Suárez
Carolina Sarmiento

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